Member’s press release: Ecomondo accepts the challenge of biomethane
The sector is in a state of ferment following the approval of the new decree: 4.7 million euros of
incentives available for use on the transport front
In collaboration with CIB and CIC the situation on best practices and technological innovation
At the 22nd edition a focus also on circular economy and health
Rimini Expo Centre, 6-9 November 2018
Rimini, 4th September 2018 – Italy is banking on biomethane and Ecomondo, Europe’s leading event for the circular economy organized by Italian Exhibition Group (6-9 November at Rimini), promises to be the ideal platform from which to embark on the new challenges of a market with great development potential.
The interministerial decree of 2nd March (the so-called bis decree, with 4.7 million euros of incentives available) laid the foundations for favouring the use of renewable sources (biofuels) in the transport sector, a further step in the energy crossover from fossil fuels, which is now unstoppable. A new phase of investments is about to begin which, thanks to the potential of renewable gas producible by 2030, it is calculated will lead to an overall turnover of approximately 85.8 billion euros and 21,000 new jobs (Source: Althesys).
At Ecomondo, thanks to strategic partners such as the CIC (Italian Composting and Biogas Association) and CIB (Italian Biogas Consortium), there will be presentations of the best practices and major technological innovations available in Italy (the third country in the world for biomethane production). On Thursday 8th November, the opportunity for an insight on the current situation will be the round table of the National Technology Platform on Biomethane, set up under the aegis of the CIC and CIB and held for the first time precisely at Ecomondo in November 2016.
On the other hand, on Thursday 8th November, organized by the Ecomondo Technical Scientific Committee, the Italian Ministry for Economic Development and the SPRING Green Chemistry National Cluster, the spotlight will be on “Biorefineries integrated in the territory – Successful cases and development prospects”: an event on the most advanced experiences of the Italian bio industry, with the spotlight on the infrastructures of bioeconomy considered case studies also at international level.
Among the specific focuses, from the point of view of circular economy in the agrifood industry worthy of note, on Tuesday 6th November the conference organized by the Ecomondo Technical Scientific Committee, Federalimentare, Confagricoltura and Cluster CLAN “Circular Economy and Agrifood: new business models, opportunities for the chain’s players, reduction and exploitation of agrifood scrap”. An opportunity for indepth discussion on the relevance and application scenarios of the EU package on the Circular Economy of the agrifood chain and network on the best technology for exploiting biomass.
Among the focuses of the 22nd edition of Ecomondo, as well as the most innovative experiences of circular bioeconomy in the OECD countries and the Mediterranean, industry 4.0 applied to the circular economy, the issue of plastic and marine litter, there will also be in-depth events on the remediation of polluted sites and air monitoring.
Another open front is that of the relation between circular economy and health. “(Circular) economy and Health: innovation drivers in cities” is the title of the conference scheduled for Wednesday 7th November, organized by the Ecomondo Technical Scientific Committee. Speakers will include the president of the Healthy City Institute, Andrea Lenzi (La Sapienza University), the chairman of Turin’s Compagnia San Paolo, Francesco Profumo, and Milan’s Municipal Councillor for Mobility and the Environment, Marco Granelli.