President’s Message
We have very been active around the world recently, spreading the word about WBA and especially our landmark report on Global Food Waste Management: An Implementation Guide for Cities, published jointly with the C40 Cities Climate Change Leadership Group last May.
In September, I presented the report to the United Nations Food and Agricultural Organisation. Meanwhile, our members spoke on behalf of WBA in conferences in China and Poland, and will also soon speak in Germany. Our exhibiting and webinars programmes are also adding some buzz at and around key industry expos.
And of course, the jewel in the crown in the schedule will be my presentation on behalf of WBA at the COP24 Climate Conference in December.
In line with our mission, we are truly promoting the global voice of the biogas industry.
David Newman, President
WBA-C40 Global Food Waste Management report continues to make an impact
WBA President David Newman was received with considerable warmth at the United Nations Food and Agricultural Organisation in Rome on 20th September, where he presented to and answered questions from a large audience of FAO employees and Directors for nearly two hours . Over lunch they discussed issues around food production, water supplies, population growth and energy. Interestingly, FAO do not think there is any imminent threat to food supplies even as global population rises towards and beyond 9 billion. Wasted food is a huge issue and 2019 will be FAO’s year of work on food waste and loss. The WBA-C40 Global Food Waste Management report was therefore of great interest to them. David promised to keep in touch and to cooperate going forward.
WBA members present on behalf of the industry
WBA members Chris Maloney of Eisenmann Corporation, Harmen Dekker of DMT and John Booth of Wangen Pumps, recently spoke or will soon be speaking on behalf of WBA and the biogas industry at international conferences in China, Poland and Germany. Chris and Harmen presented WBA activities and reports as well as underlined the importance of biogas in the renewable energy mix, with John following in their footsteps in Berlin in October. We thank them for their time and support.
- Chris Maloney of Eisenmann Corporation spoke in September at the China International Solid Waste Summit;
- Harmen Dekker of DMT spoke on “Biogas and biomethane market in Europe – current state and development perspectives” at Green Gas Poland also in September; and
- John Booth of Wangen Pumps will speak at the International Biogas Congress & Expo taking place in Berlin on 10th-11th October

WEBINAR – Biogas in South Africa: challenges and opportunities – 4th October
WBA will be holding a webinar exclusively for its members and those of the South African Biogas Association (SABIA) on 4th October at 15.oo British Summer Time. Login details have been emailed to all members and if you missed them can be obtained from Robert Zlokower by emailing him at rzlokower@worldbiogasassociation.org. This is an opportunity for WBA and SABIA members to meet each other through the webinar and to understand the opportunities and challenges for biogas in a country where the industry is growing.
Following the webinar, WBA and some of its members will participate at the WasteCon South Africa conference and exhibition from 16th to 18th October in Johannesburg and together with South African partners will be holding a half day session on the role of biogas.
CCAC Agriculture Initiative
From 8th to 12th October, WBA will attend the Working Group meeting of the CCAC Agriculture Initiative being held in Bangkok (WBA is a partner organisation affiliated to the CCAC). The CCAC AG Initiative looks at ways in which methane and black carbon emissions can be reduced in the farming sector. Biogas can contribute significantly to reducing methane emissions from untreated farm waste and provide renewable energy, nutrients and water especially in arid areas. We have submitted a paper to CCAC explaining how biogas can work within their policy initiatives.
WBA and members at Ecomondo
WBA will be attending the Ecomondo exhibition and conference with several members sharing a stand in Rimini, Italy from 6th to 9th November. WBA President David Newman will present the Global Food Waste Management report and speak at several sessions during the conference.
WBA to speak at COP24 Climate Conference
Lastly in December WBA will be present for the COP24 Climate Conference in Katowice Poland, following a personal invitation from the UNFCC Executive Secretary to WBA President David Newman for him to speak there. Alongside this event, WBA will be attending and speaking at a meeting organised with the Polish sector group PIGEOR on 5th December. Chris Maloney of Eisenmann has also been invited to speak. An agenda for this meeting will be published shortly.
A report from the Climate Conference, which runs from 3rd to 14th December, will be sent to all members upon its conclusion, outlining the opportunities and challenges we face going into the crucial years 2019/2020 when countries have to submit their national commitments (INDCs) to reducing GHG emissions.
A busy few weeks ahead. Thank you for your support.