World biogas trade body calls for case studies to inform road mapping report on delivering a 12% reduction in global emissions by 2030 and to feature at the World Biogas eFestival in May
- The World Biogas Association (WBA) has launched a call for case studies to feed into their forthcoming report, Pathways to 2030,
- The Pathways to 2030 report will identify the roadmap for the biogas industry to deliver a 12% reduction in global greenhouse gases (GHG) over the next decade.
- The 12% GHG reduction potential was established in the WBA Global Potential of Biogas report of 2019, and a commitment to deliver on it set out in a Biogas Industry and Climate Change Commitment Declaration signed by major biogas corporations and presented to the UN at COP25.
- The Pathways to 2030 report will be presented at the World Biogas Summit in Birmingham, UK in October 2020.
- The best case studies will also feature on the programme of a WBA virtual conference, the World Biogas eFestival, to be held online from 18 to 21 May 2020.
WBA President David Newman explains: “Our Global Potential of Biogas report, published last year, showed that, given the right policy support, biogas can deliver a huge 12% reduction in global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions – the equivalent of the GHGs emitted by the United States in 2012. To achieve this, however, we need to share knowledge globally and identify the right conditions to realise the potential of our sector.
The case studies will help build the evidence for our next report, Pathways to 2030, which will provide a roadmap towards delivering this 12% target. To illustrate this, we need to identify current outstanding biogas projects so we can set out the conditions necessary to replicate these worldwide.”
In the Biogas Industry and Climate Change Declaration, submitted to the UN at COP25, WBA and signatories call on world governments to remove the barriers to the growth of the biogas industry and list a number of steps that they would need to take. The case studies will support this by demonstrating the readiness and capability of the biogas industry to respond and flourish as a result.
“We are also asking for examples of what didn’t work so that we can understand why.” says David. “We all learn from problems and failures and want to try to highlight common issues faced by our sector.”
What WBA is looking for
WBA is looking for case studies showing:
- best practice in the implementation and use of biogas. This might be in rural areas, in major cities, or in industrial contexts treating specific waste flows.
- how using biogas has reduced GHG emissions and pollution from untreated biowastes, created jobs and investments, contributed to clean air, and solved problems relative to local challenges.
- innovative technologies, integration between biogas and other renewable energies, and the relationship between biogas and the agricultural community.
- what is not known in terms of the wide-reaching benefits that biogas can deliver.
- most importantly, what conditions enabled these projects to succeed – the challenges they had to overcome, and what did or didn’t work.
The best case studies will be presented at the WBA’s World Biogas e-Festival, a virtual conference on global biogas markets, which will take place online from 18th to 21st May. The e-Festival will feature geographically focused sessions with interactive presentations and panel discussions looking at the status of the biogas industry in a specific region, reviewing its strengths and weaknesses, as well as the opportunities that it offers and the challenges that it faces. It will showcase the best biogas projects from around the world, selected from the case study submissions.
To find out more about how to submit your case study, visit: www.worldbiogasassociation.org/call-for-case-studies-april-2020. The deadline is 30 April 2020.
National associations are warmly invited to circulate this call to their members
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For further information, contact:
Jocelyne Bia, Senior Communications Consultant
email: jbia@worldbiogasassociation.org ; tel: +44 (0)7910 878510
Notes to editors
- Launched at COP22 in Marrakesh in 2016, the World Biogas Association is the global trade association for the biogas, landfill gas and anaerobic digestion (AD) sectors, and is dedicated to facilitating the adoption of biogas globally. It believes that the global adoption of biogas technologies is a multi-faceted opportunity to produce clean, renewable energy while resolving global issues related to development, public health and economic growth. www.worldbiogasassociation.org @wbatweets
- The biogas industry captures emissions from organic wastes and turns them into energy for diverse end-uses such as electricity and biomethane for heat and transport. Biogas production also generates environmentally friendly solutions for soil fertilisation. The industry can therefore help to speed up the shift away from fossil fuels towards a zero-carbon economy and a sustainable agriculture.
- The Global Potential of Biogas report highlights the potential of AD as a technology to generate renewable energy, abate GHG emissions and recover organic nutrients and carbon for use on soil. The report also sets out the potential of AD to help meet the climate change targets under the Paris Agreement.
- The signatories to the Biogas Industry and Climate Change Commitment Declaration are companies that develop and finance, design, build and operate industrial anaerobic digestion plants and related infrastructure globally to treat and recycle biodegradable wastes and feedstocks to produce biogas or biomethane, green CO2, natural fertilisers and other bioproducts.