World Biogas Association announces new Council members
The World Biogas Association (WBA) has announced the election this month of eight new members to join its Council, as follows:
- Dr Atma Ram Shukla, President – Indian Biogas Association, India
- Prof Frederic Coulon – Cranfield University, UK
- Kunal Shah, Managing Director Asia – Anaergia, Singapore
- Mariela Pino D, Team Coordinator – RedBioLAC, Latin America and Caribbean
- Olivier Guerrini, Vice President Biogas – TotalEnergies, France
- Pierre-Emmanuel Meyers, Energy Transition Director – Air Liquide, France
- Robert Dysiewicz, Global Innovation Leader, Future Energy – GHD, Canada
- Suad Said Al-Hosni, Oman and MENA representative – Be’ah, Oman
These appointments – for a term of three years – will help ensure that the WBA Council is as representative of the global biogas industry as possible. The new Council members will join the cohort elected for the term May 2020 to May 2023, which consists of:
- Alberto Borello – South African Biogas Industry Association (SABIA), South Africa
- Alex Marshall, Group Business Development and Marketing Director – Clarke Energy, UK
- Chris Maloney, Chief Executive Officer – Entsorga Inc, USA
- Francois Huberts, Global Sales & Marketing Director – DMT Environmental Technology, The Netherlands
- Gabriel Cadoux, Process Engineer – SUEZ International, France
- Marta Kamola-Martines, Head of Biogas, Corporate Strategy – ENGIE, France
- Ole Hvelplund, CEO – Nature Energy, Denmark
“We congratulate and warmly welcome the newly elected WBA Council members”, commented Charlotte Morton, WBA Chief Executive. “The additional intelligence, experience and knowledge they bring will greatly support the work of WBA.
The key role of the Council is to provide strategic direction to the WBA’s activities and in particular to identify and provide guidance on how to overcome the barriers to delivering the global growth of our sector – which is crucial as a key player in the fight against climate change (1).
There is a lot to do to facilitate the biogas industry delivering 50% of the Global Methane Pledge by 2030 and the sector will greatly benefit from having such an expert and representative group of people sitting around the WBA Council table. We look forward to working with them all in 2022”, she concluded.
(1) By capturing and recycling the 105bn tonnes of organic wastes produced by human activity every year through anaerobic digestion, the technology which is widely recognised as extracting most value from such wastes, the biogas industry could reduce global greenhouse gas emissions by over 10% annually by 2030, contributing to 50% of the Global Methane Pledge.
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For further information:
Jocelyne Bia, Senior Communications Consultant
jbia@worldbiogasassociation.org; +44 (0)20 3176 0592
Notes to editors:
• Launched at COP22 in Marrakesh in 2016, the World Biogas Association is the global trade association for the biogas, landfill gas and anaerobic digestion (AD) sectors, and is dedicated to facilitating the recycling of all organic wastes, crop residues and break crops through biogas globally. It believes that the global adoption of biogas technologies is a multi-faceted opportunity to produce clean, renewable energy, bioCO2 and natural fertilisers while resolving global issues related to development, public health and economic growth. www.worldbiogasassociation.org
• The WBA report Biogas: Pathways to 2030 published in 2021 makes clear recommendations on how to deploy AD around the world, providing governments with a toolkit of measures that will enable the biogas industry to deliver carbon savings and cut the current shortfall identified by the UN in the capacity of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) to meet Paris Agreement targets by over a quarter.