Percy Foster, Managing Director at Foster Environmental and CEO at CRE’ Compost and Biogas Association, Ireland will be joining the Treating Food Waste in Europe session at the World Biogas eFestival, on 19 May, day 2 of the event. Prior to this, he has shared one experience of a study on food waste in Ireland.
Maximising Food Waste Collections– Experiences of Pilots and Studies in Ireland
Over the last 4 years there have been a series of pilots looking at how to increase food waste collections and reduce contamination levels. The presentation will explain how in one city – Sligo- a pilot was to see how the provision an education programme of waste advisors going door to door, kitchen caddies and compostable liners to householders, could improve the amount and quality of food waste in the Brown Bin. By the end of the 12 month initiative, the amount of food being recycled from Sligo households more than doubled and at the same time, the amount of non-compostable material (plastic, metals, glass) found in brown bins was slashed.
The results of the project showed that by giving people a kitchen caddy and liners to use in the kitchen makes recycling food waste easier and cleaner for people. Given the positive outcome of the pilot it should be emulated across the country.
Currently there are other pilots going on are looking at the impact of just the provision of caddys, liners and sticker on the residual bin ‘ no food waste please’ the preliminary results of all these pilots will be presented.
Hear more from Percy and other experiences of treating food waste in Europe at 11.45am, UK time on 19 May at the World Biogas eFestival.