Important message from WBA Chief Executive Charlotte Morton
Dear colleagues,
In a matter of weeks as WBA Chief Executive I will be presenting the case for AD and Biogas to global leaders in the exclusive ‘blue zone’ at COP26, a reflection of the work this organisation has done in positioning AD and biogas as a critical solution to climate change and other environmental issues through our lobbying and landmark reports.
The next few years will be a pivotal period for our industry. We know one progressive agreement that will emerge from COP26 is the launch of the EU-US-led Global Methane Pledge to cut methane emissions from human activity by 30% against 2020 levels by 2030. Last week 24 more countries joined the pledge. To deliver it will require treating the over 100bn tonnes of organic wastes produced by human activity every year, across agriculture, food waste, food manufacture and wastewater.
With that in mind we must develop a strategy that enables our sector to deliver its full potential across all sectors and geographies as possible. A blueprint for rapid roll out will increasingly be demanded in the next couple of years and, as the industry experts, we need to be proactive in preparing for a decade of delivery.
That is why I write, to encourage you to engage with WBA’s recent activities: Council nominations, Members Meeting and Working Groups.
1. Council nominations
First, we are electing members of the WBA Council. It is critical that WBA represents all sectors of our industry and our membership as possible to build a comprehensive pathway to 2030. We are extending the deadline for nominations to 5th November. So if you are interested in making nominations to the WBA Council, please e-mail us with this information:
· Sector (or sectors) your company represents, based on this sectors list: Operators by feedstocks (food waste, sewage, agri, village/household), Energy outputs (CHP, biomethane (gas to grid, transport), Power to Gas), Infrastructure (refuelling stations, grid operators), Digestate, CO2, Bioresources, Academia/R&D, Finance, Consultants, Other
· Countries or regions your company has good knowledge of
· Name of the candidate, role in your company and a brief summary of their relevant experience
· Skills or relationships the candidate can offer
· Why you believe the candidate would add value to the Council
We are asking for all nominations to be supported by a minimum of two other current WBA members. Please ask those companies to send us an e-mail showing their support by 5th November.
If you’re not yet a WBA member, then a WBA staff person will contact you about next steps.
The current Council will then shortlist the nominated candidates and group them by sectors. If there are lots of candidates for each sector, we may invite WBA member companies to vote on the candidates. The current Council may also decide to meet the candidates. It will then aim to make its final decision for new Council members in December.
2. Ecomondo: exhibition stand and Members Meeting
Second, WBA has an exhibition stand at the Ecomondo Expo in Rimini, Italy from 26th – 29th October. Come meet us at Pavilion 05, Booth 007. Feel free to e-mail my us in advance so he can find you for a brief meeting anywhere at the Expo. We are very eager to learn more about your business and discuss how our global trade association can support you.
We are also organising the next WBA Members Meeting on Wednesday, 27th October from 16h00 to 18h00 CEST (UTC +2). If you’re interested in joining WBA and want to see if it’s right for you, then you might find it beneficial to drop-in to our meeting. It will be “hybrid,” which means you can join in-person at the Ecomondo Expo or online via Zoom. You might want to join our dinner that evening, too. Just register to attend the meeting and dinner — click here — and our staff will reply to you with the next steps.
3. Working Groups
Third, WBA is has launched four new Working Groups:
· Education and outreach
· R&D: biogas and other renewable gaseous fuels
· Women in biogas
· Finance
Each of these Working Groups identifies challenges within the biogas industry and seeks out solutions. Check out our Working Groups web page to read the descriptions, download the presentations and watch the videos. If you are not yet a member, we still encourage you to fill in the form at the bottom of that web page to express your interest. A WBA staff person will reply to you with next steps.
There is a lot to do if the biogas industry is to meet the Methane Imperative by 2030. This represents a huge turning point for our industry so we hope you feel as excited as we do. However we will only be able to deliver the rapid scale-up if we come together to agree the communications, standards and other support that the industry needs to drive the whole industry forward as soon as possible. We therefore urge you, the global biogas industry and stakeholders, to get involved and help #makeithappen.
Best wishes,
Charlotte Morton
Chief Executive, World Biogas Association