DMT to inject in Cadent’s LTS grid using Hexel One Plastic Pipe
The production of biogas through anaerobic digestion and grid injection isn’t new to the UK with over 100 sites now injecting biomethane into the local gas grids. Since DMT’s first commercial biogas upgrading to biomethane plant back in 2012 the biogas industry has developed considerably. And with every changing industry, DMT has adapted to these changes in the industry and progressed with the times. “Our business may have changed and recently changed ownership, but our goals remain true, to offer our customers a value proposition”, says Stephen McCulloch, Business Director at DMT.
These developments through, DMT has seen the scope of supply change. From the core biogas upgrading technology to incorporating a total package, starting from the outlet of the AD system to the injection to the local gas grid. DMT’s newest project now takes this one step further as the first Upgrading company to inject in the higher pressure LTS network using Hexel One plastic pipework.
The scope includes a two kiosk GEU and ROV with a high quality biomethane compressor to meet the higher pressure demands of the LTS network. DMT’s scope continues with a pressure reduction system incorporated for the supply of gas to the onsite CHP and all associated works.
The LTS’s are the pillars of the national gas grid network in the United Kingdom and distribute gas from offtakes to towns and cities throughout the country. The local transmission systems are used to store natural gas at higher pressure (line pack). The density of gas can change depending on the pressure. Bringing the pressure up will influence the gas that will change the space between the gas molecules and the molecules will be packed closer together. Resulting in a more efficient gas storage because more gas can be carried in a storage facility. Bringing the pressure down will have the reverse effect. “In the next 15 years we will see larger projects similar to these projects where we are developing projects in collaboration with our partners, aiming to be more time efficient and lower (CAPEX) costs”, says Stephen McCulloch, Business Director for DMT Environmental Technology.
The overall project is a big step forward. It confirms DMT’s quality and experience and shows the ability to build a project for higher pressure grid connections. This development opens a new market aiming at larger projects that enter a higher-pressure network. The experienced DMT team is working hand in hand with Cadent to deliver the projects LTS connection and using Hexel one plastic piping instead of the tradition stainless steel has seen considerable savings.
Since the introduction of the RHI about 10 years ago the industry has seen the tariff level drop and with this the demands of cost savings have been paramount to projects being signed off by funders. This brings new expectations from funders wanting to reduce not only costs but also shift risk towards developers and suppliers. They are looking to guarantee the feasibility of a project and ensure deadlines are met to secure such tariff levels.
“It’s my belief”, says Stephen McCulloch, “that using higher pressure pipelines for biomethane injection is a key to a sustainable growth for projects under the GGSS format”.
Higher levels of biomethane in tier 1 injection brings its own challenges with grid capacity in summer nights, DMT can assist in these projects injecting into the higher-pressure networks and reduce the risk of capacity issues and even the need for propane to be added within the biomethane.
For this project DMT will be working together with Storengy, a subsidiary of ENGIE. The biogas upgrading plant at Deal Farm will enable the commercialisation of biogas delivered from an anaerobic digestion process with an agricultural waste-based feedstock. It is expected that the biogas upgrading plant will produce 5 million cubic metres of biomethane annually.
DMT Environmental Technology
DMT Environmental Technology is a specialist in renewable gas solutions and services with a strong focus on biogas upgrading and desulfurization plants headquartered in Joure, The Netherlands and Portland, Oregon. DMT is a global solutions provider focused on creating a sustainable world. We are a social and environmentally responsible engineering company. And with over 150 references, we are one of the biggest biogas upgrading suppliers globally.
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Marjolein Overbosch | Marketing manager
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