AD and Biogas Industry Awards 2022 winners to be revealed at gala dinner on 15th June
The finalists for this year’s AD and Biogas Industry Awards will find out at a gala dinner in Birmingham on 15th June if they are among this year’s winners. Run by the Anaerobic Digestion and Bioresources Association (ADBA) and the World Biogas Association (WBA), the Awards celebrate excellence and innovation in the global anaerobic digestion (AD) and biogas sector across 10 categories.
The 2022 competition features a new Women in Biogas Award created to pay tribute to the contribution made by women in the AD and biogas industry in multiple areas of work. This new category saw a record number of entries, each of remarkable quality, which led the judges to decide to list them all as finalists and potential winners.
Dozens of organisations or individuals from around the world have entered this year’s competition, with the geographic scale ranging from the UK and Europe to Africa, South America and Asia.
“Well done to all shortlisted organisations and individuals at this year’s awards“, said Charlotte Morton, WBA Chief Executive. “We are particularly excited about the level of participation and quality of the entrants to the Women in Biogas award. This shows how much women do contribute to our industry and we’re delighted to give them due recognition at last. We’re also thrilled with the range of countries represented in the competition. This bears testimony to the global growth of the sector and the increasing influence it has on addressing the global challenges of climate change and energy security. Thank you to all our entrants and let’s keep up the good work. Congratulations to our 2022 finalists and good luck for the final on 15th June.”
The Awards ceremony, which will be hosted by Shaun Williamson, better known as Barry in the UK soap opera “Eastenders”, will take place at the Vox, Birmingham, on 15th June 2022.
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The AD and Biogas industry Awards 2020 finalists:
Health and Safety
Sponsored by SGN Commercial Services
Shropshire Energy UK Ltd
Energen Biogas – Bio Capital Group
Women in Biogas
Sponsored by Air Liquide
The judges in this category have decided to include all entrants into the final in recognition of the high quality as well as volume of submissions to this new award – which also aims to pay tribute to the contribution made by women to the AD and biogas industry across multiple areas of work.
Tina Hawke, Cadent Gas
Rokiah Yaman, Director, LEAP Micro AD
Aine Anderson, Student, Queen’s University Belfast
Alexi Dragonetti, AD Portfolio Manager, Agrivert
Lucy Lewis, Technical Manager, Marches Biogas
Darlene Gering, Managing Director, Octaform
Lucy Owen, Environmental Manager, Marches Biogas
Karen Sund, Gas Specialist, Sund Energy (and Biogass Oslofjord)
Lucy Culleton, Senior Research Scientist, National Physical Laboratory (NPL)
Lia de Jong, Consultant, Independent Commercial Agent
Linn Helland, Country Manager, Ramboll Energy Norway
Victoria Peat, Chief Operating Officer, BioteCH4
Sol Ucciani, Development Manager, Vanguard Renewables
Sophie Randall, Director, W4G Ltd
Deborah Delaney, General Manager, Bio Capital Group
Yadira Bajon Fernandez, Senior Lecturer in Bioresources Science and Engineering, Cranfield University
Dr Adrienne Houston, Director, Eurovacuum Product Ltd
Sarah Platt, Founder & Director, Enviro Advice Ltd
Amy Thomas, Project Manager Bio Resources, Severn Trent
Ariel Neves, Co-founder and CTO, Kiapembe Energy
Dr Ashira Roopnarain, Senior Researcher, Agricultural Research Council of South Africa Natural Resources and Engineering (ARC-NRE)
Yuwei Song, International Sales Manager, SUMA Rührtechnik GmbH
Dr Vanita Prasad, Chief Technology Officer, REVY Environmental Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Sandra Hernández
Fatimazahra Beraich, Owner, BIODOME.SARL
Bettina Müller, Head of After Sales, BTS Biogas Srl
Iria Nicolas Hermida, Principal Process Engineer, SLR Consulting
Sandra Sassow, CEO & Co-Founder, SEAB ENERGY
Alison Cartwright, Project Manager, CNG Services
Dr Helen Theaker, Senior Anaerobic Digestion Engineer, Alps Ecoscience UK
Tracey Giddings, Fernbrook Bio
Jessica Alce, Innovation Business Lead, Severn Trent Green Power
Christine McKiernan, Director Engineering & Construction, Bioenergy Devco
Iris M. Torres da Silva-Breel, Project Manager, HoSt Group
Sophie Swan, Operations Manager, Adapt Biogas
Elnaz Bahadori, Project Leader & International Business Developer, Renergon International AG
Erin Bradley, Head of Business Development, Shell
AD Hero of the Year
Sponsored by Future Biogas
Yadira Bajon Fernandez, Cranfield University
Lucy Culleton, National Physical Laboratory
Sophie Randall, Waste4Generation
FatimaZahra Beraich, BIODOME.SARL
AD Rising Star
Charlotte Catt, BIOCH4
Timothy Hamill, Bio Capital Group
Wade McRoberts, Alps Ecoscience
Best Anaerobic Digestion/Biogas Support
Sponsored by Blended Products
DiBiCoo |- Biogas and Gasification Matchmaking Platform
PRODEVAL – Between Services and Innovation
CIBiogás, UNIDO & MCTI through the GEF Biogás Brasil Program
AD Circular Solutions
Air Liquide Biogas UK
CCm Technologies
MHP (Ukraine)
Granville Eco Park – Bio Capital Group
The Bennamann Biocycle
McCulla Ireland
The Net Zero Award
Sponsored by Eco2 Ltd
RNG-NZ: Net Zero Renewable Natural Gas
Severn Trent Green Power
AD Pacesetter: Micro AD
Cold & High AD
SEaB Power Ltd.
AD Pacesetter: Below 1Mwe
Liholmen, Norway – the world’s northernmost AD plant
East Coast Natural Gas
AD Pacesetter: Above 1Mwe
CCm Technologies
Colony Farm and DMT: Cambridge Biopower
Swancote Energy Limited
Toros Meram Biorefinery
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For further information, please contact:
Jocelyne Bia, Senior Communications Consultant
email: jbia@worldbiogasassociation.org; tel: +44 (0)20 7176 0592