“A huge milestone in our industry recognition” – World Biogas Association says as the IEA Renewables Report 2023 dedicates a special section to biogas and biomethane
The World Biogas Association (WBA) has reacted with delight to the publication of the International Energy Agency Renewables Report 2023, which for the very first time, has dedicated an entire section of its report to the biogas and biomethane sector – highlighting its value in addressing energy security and climate change issues and other global challenges.
“This is a huge milestone for our industry”, commented Charlotte Morton OBE, WBA Chief Executive. “Not only does the IEA dedicate a significant number of pages to the role our industry can play as a solution to the world’s current economic and environmental crises, it anticipates the sector growth rate to accelerate from 19% in 2017-2022 to 32% in 2023-2028 as a result of impactful new policies being introduced in more than 13 countries in the past year.
This is welcome recognition of the growing contribution that biogas and biomethane can make towards the world’s economy and towards the fight against climate change – although the IEA states that an evenhigher pace of growth is required to meet the Net Zero objective for 2030.
Our sector would be particularly well placed to help meet the Global Methane Pledge commitments made by over 150 countries since its launch in 2021. Our research (1) has shown that fully deployed, the biogas and biomethane sector could deliver 50% of the Pledge. The IEA’s forecasts and growing commitment from world governments fills us with confidence that we can deliver on this potential.”
(1) Delivering the Global Methane Pledge
For further information, contact:
Jocelyne Bia, Senior Communications Consultant – e: jbia@worldbiogasassociation.org ;
tel: +44 (0)20 3176 0592; www.worldbiogasassociation.org
Notes to editors:
- Key points from the IEA Renewables Report Biogas and Biomethane section:
- Combined global biogas and biomethane production has increased 17% from 2017 to over 1.6 ExaJoules in 2022.
- Almost half of current global biogas production is based in Europe, another 21% is produced in China, followed by the United States (12%) and India (9%).
- The IEA Net Zero Emissions by 2050 Scenario forecasts production of biogases to quadruple by 2030.
- The most growth will be in Europe and North America in the near term with India and China in the longer term.
- Although biomethane production costs are usually higher than for natural gas, it is not subject to the price volatility that natural gas suffers from, and during the energy crisis it was valued at a lower price in Europe and Asia.
- The predicted growth aligns with the emissions reduction objectives of the Global Methane Pledge launched in 2021 and signed by 155 countries (as of January 2024)
- Key points on the diverse utilisation of biogas in the world:
- India focuses on CBG (compressed biogas) for transport CBG
- China focuses on large-scale projects for grid injection aiming to diversify its applications. While most of China’s biogas/biomethane is produced from manure, there is a growing interest in using large rural facilities to also incorporate urban organic waste as feedstock.
- Europe has a more developed biogas sector, but growth varies from country to country
- Biomethane production from landfill gas has dropped significantly — UK production dropped from 84% in 2010 to 38% in 2022.
- Launched at COP22 in Marrakesh in 2016, the World Biogas Association is the global trade association for the biogas, landfill gas and anaerobic digestion (AD) sectors, and is dedicated to facilitating the recycling of all organic wastes and residues through biogas globally. It believes that the global adoption of biogas technologies is a multi-faceted opportunity to produce clean, renewable energy, bioCO2 and natural fertilisers while resolving global issues related to development, public health, and economic growth. www.worldbiogasassociation.org