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WBA and CIBiogás shed light on biogas opportunities in Brazil


Brazil’s government and industry — with support from the United Nations Industrial Development Organisation — are teaming-up on GEF Biogás Brasil, a project to advance the biogas sector. They hosted a webinar in March to launch the project’s “Tropicalization Programe.” The event exchanged knowledge on technology, business solutions as well as fundraising for biogas demonstrations projects. In the video recording below from the top-left: Ricardo Müller, Biogas Expert at UNIDO and Project Analyst at CIBiogás; Alessandro Amadio, Head of Mission for UNIDO in Brazil and Venezuela; Charlotte Morton, Chief Executive of WBA; Eduardo Soriano Lousada, General Coordinator and Deputy Director, Ministry of Science, Technology, Innovation & Communications (MCTIC Brazil); Rafael González, President-Director, CIBiogás; Felipe Marques, Technological Development Director at CIBiogás and Project Coordinator at UNIDO. CIBiogás is a member of WBA.

The Tropicalization Program is looking for technical proposals that promote knowledge transfer (“tropicalization”) and new industrial partnerships capable of adapting to the Brazilian reality biogas technologies and business models already successful around the world.

The Brazil GEF Biogas Project is going to provide technical assistance to the companies selected by the Tropicalization Program. This assistance includes helping with fundraising strategies for prospecting resources targeted at the implementation of biogas demonstration projects in Brazil.

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