Reminder | deadline extension for nominations to the WBA Council
A friendly reminder nominations for the WBA Council are due by Friday, 5th November 2021.
We are proud to say, WBA won the opportunity to participate in the exclusive ‘blue zone’ at COP26 – the world’s most important climate change conference – happening now. The win represents the culmination of years of diligent work by WBA’s staff and members. But we won’t stop there.
The next few years will be pivotal. As you can see in today’s news: countries are signing-up to the Global Methane Pledge to cut methane emissions from human activity by 30% against 2020 levels by 2030. A few months ago, WBA published the landmark report “Biogas: Pathways to 2030.” It outlines countries’ policy options to treat organic wastes, achieve methane reduction and rapidly deploy anaerobic digestion.
It is therefore critical that WBA represents all sectors of our industry and our membership as possible to build our success story to 2030. In this vein, WBA is electing members of the WBA Council. if you are interested in making nominations to the WBA Council, please e-mail us with this information:
• Sector (or sectors) the candidate’s company represents, based on this sectors list: Operators by feedstocks (food waste, sewage, agri, village/household), Energy outputs (CHP, biomethane (gas to grid, transport), Power to Gas), Infrastructure (refuelling stations, grid operators), Digestate, CO2, Bioresources, Academia/R&D, Finance, Consultants, Other
• Countries or regions your company has good knowledge of
• Name of the candidate, role in the company and a brief summary of their relevant experience
• Skills or relationships the candidate can offer
• Why you believe the candidate would add value to the Council
We are asking for all nominations to be supported by a minimum of two other current WBA members. Please ask those companies to send us an e-mail showing their support by 5th November.
The current Council will then shortlist the nominated candidates and group them by sectors. If there are lots of candidates for each sector, we may invite WBA member companies to vote on the candidates. The current Council may also decide to meet the candidates. It will then aim to make its final decision for new Council members in December.
Feel free to let us know if you had any questions.