Biogas’ contribution to the UN Sustainable Development Goals
Sustainable Industrialisation
UN Sustainable Development Goal 9:Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation
How biogas contributes to the above goals:
Industrial effluents: Digestion of effluents from industrial processes like palm oil mill effluent, breweries, abattoirs etc, can reduce the environmental impacts of these processes and also generate energy for their operations, thus furthering their sustainability and self-reliance. Collaboration between commercial and agricultural enterprises: Fostering collaboration between complementary agriculture and industries where the former provides the feedstocks for digestion while the latter can use products of digestion, like heat, electricity, biogas or biomethane on-site, is environmentally and economically beneficial for both.
Collaboration between commercial and agricultural enterprises: Fostering collaboration between complementary agriculture and industries where the former provides the feedstocks for digestion while the latter can use products of digestion, like heat, electricity, biogas or biomethane on-site, is environmentally and economically beneficial for both.
Employment generation: As of 2015, it is estimated that 381,000people are directly and indirectly employed in the production of energy from biogas (IRENA, 2015). The employment is expected to increase with the growth in the sector.
Enterprise development: The availability of reliable electricity encourages the development of small rural enterprises like handicrafts, bakeries, agriculture related businesses, etc. Thus taking the benefits of industrialisation to all sections of the society.