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Fill in the feedback form below, and you will then automatically be e-mailed the presentations and photos of the event.

What was your role in the event (tick all that apply)(Required)
Organisation type?(Required)
How did you hear about the event (tick all that apply)?(Required)
What is your overall rating of the World Biogas Association INDIA Congress 2024?(Required)

Rate the following aspects of the event...

Timing (October):(Required)
Choice of topics:(Required)
Quality of speakers:(Required)
Format of the day:(Required)
Networking opportunities:(Required)
Quality of exhibitors:(Required)
Location (New Delhi):(Required)

More details...

(WBA may use this testimonial in our promotional materials. However, the rest of your feedback form is confidential and anonymous).
You will then be e-mailed the access instructions to the event presentations and photos.
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