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Taking stock of COP24 – the challenges and opportunities of climate change – 26 February 2019

The World Biogas Association, together with the UK Department for International Trade, and Policy Connect, are hosting a reception on 26th February 2019 at 14:00 to 17:00 GMT at the UK Houses of Parliament. Drinks and light refreshments will be provided.

The reception, Taking Stock of COP24 – the challenges and opportunities of climate change, is an opportunity for members of the international community in London to meet and network while hearing from speakers on one of the major environmental challenges humanity faces in the 21st century.  Indeed, we wish to underline the importance of international cooperation in working together on climate change.

Speakers will talk about the COP24 process and what needs to be done to reach the Paris Accords targets and how we can achieve this together, using innovation and applying technologies to reduce GHG emissions.

This is a WBA members-only event. Please confirm your presence to Robert Zlokower at by 12th February 2019.



By invitation only

Date: Tuesday 26th February 2019

Time: 14:00 to 17:00 GMT, refreshments and drinks provided

Location: Committee Room G, House of Lords, Westminster (Black Rod Entrance), SW1A 0AA

(Ambassadors enter through the Peers Entrance)

Bringing together representatives from government, diplomatic missions and industry experts,  this event is an occasion to to understand the outcomes of the COP24 meeting looking at both opportunities and challenges.

While the COP24 Conference achieved agreement over monitoring and reporting mechanisms, much still has to be done to ensure the national commitments to reducing GHG emissions are sufficient to reach the desired limit of global warming of 1.5C by 2100. Currently the world is on course for a 3.3C rise in temperatures, with potentially damaging consequences for populations globally.

The World Biogas Association will highlight what biogas technologies can do to reduce those emissions, while other speakers will emphasise the importance of international cooperation.

Programme from 14:00 to 17:00 GMT

14:00 Entrance and welcome tea/coffee

14:30 Welcome from our host Lord Chris Rennard

14:40 The climate change process post-COP24- Joana Portugal Pereira, IPCC Working Group III and Imperial College London

14:50 What UK policy requires to meet the 2050 emissions targets- Dr Alan Whitehead, Shadow Minister for Energy and Climate Change

15:10 Danny Dunne- Head of the Renewable Energy Team at Department for International Trade

15:40 A view from an industry providing solutions to climate change- David Newman, President, World Biogas Association

15:50 Lord Deben – Chairman, UK Committee on Climate Change

16:10 Networking and drinks

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