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Country Profile: Ireland

10h00 to 11h00 BST , 20th May, 2021


The Irish government has set a target of 1.6 TWh of biomethane produced per year by 2030 – this will require an industry capacity of 200 MW compared to ± 30-31 MW in capacity available today. Join us to discuss the opportunities and challenges of scaling up biogas in Ireland.

At our online meeting, we will launch the World Biogas Association’s market report on Ireland. WBA invites the industry to come together to watch presentations, discuss questions and network with each other via video-link.

Agenda (all times in BST)

10h00 to 10h10 – Welcome and face-to-face networking

10h10 to 10h30 – Launch of WBA’s Market Report on Ireland: Leanne Williams, Policy and Market Analyst, World Biogas Association

10h30 to 10h40 – Questions-and-Answers

10h40 to 11h00 – Face-to-face networking

11h00 – Meeting closes


Note: After the meeting, delegates will receive the Market Report file and the recording of the meeting.



Ireland had pledged to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 20% by 2020 (from 2005 levels). This was one of the most ambitious targets across the EU, however the country only reduced its emissions by 2 – 4%. Eoman Ryan TD is the Minister for Transport, Environment, Climate and Communication Networks. He announced new targets to reduce emissions by 7% per annum. Agriculture is an important sector — in 2019, 35.3% of emissions came from agriculture alone, and the decarbonisation of this industry will be essential for Ireland to achieve its GHG emissions reduction targets.


Why attend:

  • Gather industry intelligence if you are considering entering the Irish market
  • Stay up to date if you already operate in the Irish market
  • Learn from case studies and examples of trends that you can apply to your own markets
  • Network with the industry and stakeholders
Click here to register for the event
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+44 (0) 20 3735 8116

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