Video recording and slide presentations
Opportunities in the Brazilian Biogas Sector
Brazil had a biogas production of approximately 2.2 billion cubic meters in 2020, representing only 4% of its total potential. The World Biogas Association’s analysis in our new report “Biogas: Pathways to 2030” has ranked Brazil fifth globally as the country where biogas could deliver the greatest contribution to carbon reduction. WBA organised an online meeting to learn about the Brazilian biogas sector and how we can support achieving its full potential. This event was supported by the Brazil GEF Biogas Project — which is led by the Brazilian Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovations (MCTI) and implemented by UNIDO and CIBiogás.
WBA invited the global biogas community to come together to watch presentations, discuss questions and network face-to-face with each other via video-link.
Tasneem Mayet, Head of Policy, World Biogas Association

Eduardo Soriano Lousada, Director of the Applied Technologies Department at SEMPI/ MCTI – Brazilian Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovations

Overview of the biogas market in Brazil
Tamar Roitman, Executive Manager, ABiogás (Brazilian Biogas Association)

Business models applied to the Brazilian biogas market and successful cases
Felipe Marques, Technological Director at CIBiogás (International Renewable Energy Center-Biogas) and Project Coordinator at UNIDO

Financing opportunities for biogas projects in Brazil
Bruno Casagranda Neves, Consultant at the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and coordinator of the Brazil GEF Biogas project

Watch the video recording and see the slide presentations!

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