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Consultation launched as Australia starts to map its bioenergy future


The Australian Renewable Energy Agency has started to develop a bioenergy roadmap.

This was called for by the government late last year in the wake of the devastating wild fires.

It aims to use the roadmap to:

  • Quantify the economic opportunities for Australia, including a focus on regional development
  • Identify the potential for biofuels to decarbonise the industrial and transport sectors, and contribute more broadly to Australia’s liquid fuel security
  • Assess where Australia has a competitive advantage
  • Identify economic or regulatory impediments to future growth
  • And provide clear findings for industry and government to help inform the next stage of development of the sector.

The agency is asking for stakeholder input. Submissions are invited from businesses, research groups, industry associations, community groups and individuals until 5pm AEST on Friday 29 May, 2020. A final report will be provided to the government later this year. For more information and to provide input into the process, go to the Bioenergy Roadmap page.

Over the past 8 years, ARENA has provided approximately $118 million in funding towards bioenergy projects across Australia, spanning electricity and biogas production, biofuels, efficient feedstock harvesting technology and projects that aim to capture energy from a range of waste materials.

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