The UN has released a video that will make you laugh and make you cry, pointing up as it does the absurdity of the man-made climate crisis. You need to watch it and share it as widely as possible.
Here in a nutshell is the stark choice facing humanity. Will our political leaders pay heed? The signs aren’t good given that Russia and China are no-shows at COP26 and the UK as hosts delivered a budget yesterday that subsidises air travel while prevaricating on whether to green light a new coal mine and oil field.
The UK say these are exceptions that will hasten the path to Net Zero, ignoring the fact that such exceptionalism gives a get out clause to every country on the planet and thwarts the opportunity to build back better.
They don’t seem to get that in the last chance saloon every tonne of carbon and every tonne of methane released is banking a worse climate outcome. They don’t seem to have heard the IPCC has told us humanity is on red alert.
The UN has also told us we have the readily available, low cost technology to allow the world to take a different course and build back better. AD and biogas is one of those technologies.
Al Gore famously told us we faced an inconvenient truth. We now face something far worse, a stark truth. We do or die.
Our sector is not alone in having the ambition, the commitment, and the technology, to make a dramatic and immediate difference. At our full potential the AD and biogas sector can deliver an 10% cut in global GHGs by 2030.
What is lacking is the political will. That is what we will be seeking to change as we head to Glasgow next week, where we will be speaking in the restricted (political) blue zone.